The Minister with responsibility for Housing met separately with the Tenants’ Associations of Edinburgh Estate and Albert Risso House.

Senior Officials from the Housing Department, representatives from the Housing Works Agency and staff members from the Ministry also attended both meetings.

Minister Orfila first met with the Chairman of the Edinburgh Estate Tenants’ Association Mr Mario Serra, Secretary Mr Richard Pitaluga, and committee members Ms Debbie Borastero and Mr Eric Bossino to discuss refurbishment plans, allocation of parking spaces, estate lighting, and other key points.

The Minister then met with the Chairperson of Albert Risso House, Ms Lillian Carroll and committee member Mr Emilio Perez, to gain a deeper understanding of their unique needs and the concerns of its residents. This meeting has allowed the Minister to continue to foster good relations and to maintain an open line of communication for the betterment of all tenants.

The Minister for Housing, Pat Orfila MP stated: “It has been a pleasure meeting up with representatives of the Edinburgh Estate and Albert Risso House Tenants’ Associations. I am looking forward to working with each of them to make lives so much happier, relaxed and to encourage good neighbourly relations”.

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