The Gibraltar Alzheimer’s and Dementia Society re-started their Social Group in March this year when members of the community meet and make fidget blankets and other items for people living with dementia alongside having cake and some refreshments.

This support group takes place every Thursday between 9.30am and 12.30pm at the Bishop Canilla House (Clubhouse Room). Members of the community who are either caring for someone living with dementia, or who are living with dementia themselves are also invited to attend to seek emotional and practical support or if they just want some company. The support group is also open to the local community who are invited to attend to support a good cause.

These meetings are supported by the GHA as the Dementia Coordinator visits during this time so that both the Dementia Coordinator and the Chairperson of GADS alongside other members of the society, are available on a drop-in basis to be able to answer questions and offer support both to patients and their families. Residents and staff from ERS also attend this social group to assist with projects and an opportunity to meet with friends and family who due to mobility restrictions find the access to Bishop Canilla House much easier.

As part of their weekly support GADS hosted a pre-National Day Party and fidget making group, which Professor Patrick Geoghegan OBE, Director General of the GHA, visited to see the work of the Gibraltar Alzheimer’s and Dementia Society (GADS) supported by the GHA as part of the continuing campaign to raise awareness of Dementia throughout Gibraltar during the month of September.

GHA Director General Professor Patrick Geoghegan OBE said: ‘Part of the Dementia Strategy (2023-2028) is to champion peer support in the community, and as Gibraltar is a close-knit community with a great ability to be able to help and support each other we need to maximise this by utilising the local resources we have by way of ‘experts by experience’. These weekly meetings are of immense benefit to both patients and families, I take the opportunity to thanks both GADS and GHA Staff to making this events happen.


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