In the Supreme Court today, a Spanish woman was sentenced to a total of 4 years’ imprisonment after pleading Guilty to stealing around £130,000 of jewellery.

V.O.G. (31), of La Linea, was charged with one count of Burglary for which she was sentenced to 1 year and 7 months and one count of Theft for which she was sentenced to 2 years and 5 months, the two sentences to run consecutively.

The jewellery went missing from a property in Irish Town between 31 Dec 2019 and 1 July 2020 at a time when O.G. was employed as the carer for an elderly person at that address.

The long list of items taken included foreign currency and expensive watches as well as earrings, gold chains, bracelets and rings - several of which were encrusted with sapphires and diamonds.

As O.G. sold many of these items to a Spanish company that has since ceased trading, it is unlikely that they will ever be reunited with their owner.

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