
At approximately 07:24 this morning, a total blackout was experienced.

On Monday 27th November 2023 school representatives gathered, in the presence of DCM Joseph Garcia and Minister John Cortes at the impressive new school facility Bishop Fitzgerald Upper Primary, to celebrate the second Gibraltar ClimACT Schools Awards.

The Director of Public Health Helen Carter briefed the Legionnaire’s Strategic Coordinating Group, chaired by the Minister for Health the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez, in an online meeting yesterday afternoon.

Due to an increase in the number of patients seen with COVID, influenza and RSV, the Gibraltar Health Authority has introduced mask wearing in all areas within GHA buildings in order to protect patients and staff.

HM Government of Gibraltar would like to announce the temporary suspension of all Residential and District Parking Zones from Sunday 24 December 2023 until Monday 1 January 2024, inclusive.

The Strategic Coordination Group for Legionnaire’s Disease met virtually this afternoon, chaired by the Minister for Health, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez.

In line with the Government’s manifesto commitment to make Housing work for those who need it the most, the Ministry for Housing are making a proactive effort to address the issue of vacant Government rental properties.

The Civil Status and Registration Office (CSRO) has announced a significant milestone in enhancing its services by relocating the venue for marriages to the prestigious City Hall as from Friday 15th December.

The Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia has met UK Minister for Europe Leo Docherty MP in London.

The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, yesterday met once again with the MoneyVal Working Group for the final time in 2023 as the Group continues its work to delist Gibraltar and importantly prepare its plan for the future.

The GHA has confirmed that a patient who was receiving treatment for Legionnaire’s Disease has sadly passed away.

The Government will be carrying out a drone survey of the Northern Defences. This will provide a record of the existing topography and also identify any man-made structures such as walls, steps or bunkers which still remain concealed under dense foliage and vegetation.

The Strategic Coordinating Group monitoring Legionnaire’s Disease convened on Friday afternoon for the third time to monitor and review the situation.

The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, was honoured to accept an invitation to visit Trusted Novus Bank (TNB).

His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar has once again made its annual donation to a local charity instead of sending official Christmas cards.

The Minister for Justice, Trade, and Industry, Nigel Feetham KC MP, recently visited Deloitte Gibraltar at the invitation of the firm.

On 22 November 2023, the Government published a Consultation Paper seeking the public’s opinion on lowering the voting age to 16. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2023. 

Minister Christian Santos was delighted to meet with his constituents at Varyl Begg Social Club yesterday evening.

The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia were in Malaga today for the resumption of discussions, together with the United Kingdom and Spain.

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